HomeLiquid thermal insulation

TEPLOMIX liquid thermal insulation is an innovative, energy-saving thermal insulation material that provides corrosion protection, anti-condensation protection, anti-fungal protection for concrete, brick, metal, wood and other surfaces.

“Teplomix is a water-based material consisting of glass and ceramic microspheres in a mixture of acrylic polymers and special additives. Inside the microspheres there is a vacuum, which has zero thermal conductivity and provides the finished coating with high thermal insulation properties. The coating itself is light and elastic. It can replace 5 cm of the traditional thermal insulation with 1 mm!

TEPLOMIX can be applied to metal, plastic, glass, concrete, brick, plasterboard, wood and other building materials. The service life of such coating is 15 years inside and not less than 10 years outside the protected objects.


offers you certified products from our own production - the TEPLOMIX ultra-fine liquid thermal insulation material, which surpasses well-known thermal insulation analogues in terms of its thermal and physical properties.

Advantages of liquid thermal
insulation Teplomix

Compared to thermal insulation such as mineral wool, etc. 1 mm of TEPLOMIX replaces about 5 cm of alternative insulation
The material can be applied with a brush, roller or airless sprayer. The insulation work is similar to painting work!
Only environmentally friendly and healthy materials
Reduces the load on the supporting structures in the thermal insulation of roofs, façades. Maintains the original architectural appearance of the building!
The use of TEPLOMIX liquid thermal insulation is more advantageous than alternative types of insulation
All materials are made from high-quality imported raw materials and have been tested for compliance with Belarusian quality and safety requirements

The consumption of Teplomix depends on the application method

Brush, trowel or roller application – 1 l/m 2 with layer thickness (1±0.2) mm;

Airless spraying equipment 1,1 l/m 2 with layer thickness of (1±0,2) mm.

Packaging: 5 l, 10 l and 20 l.

Colour – white, tinting is possible.

Delivery terms: self-delivery in Borovlyany, 4B Logoyskaya str. Delivery in Belarus – by the tariffs of the transport company.

    Liquid thermal insulation TEPLOMIX Facade (liquid insulation, thermal paint, insulation, coating)


    It is used for external insulation of private houses, facade insulation of multi-storey houses, thermal insulation of joints between panels, insulation of hangars, garages, baths, roofs, foundations. It is also used, where there is a need for local heat insulation of freezing, cold walls, individual flats, exterior slopes; elimination of “cold bridges”.

    It is used during both new construction and reconstruction, restoration of buildings and structures. Liquid thermal insulation is highly effective in the restoration of architectural monuments and buildings with specific shapes.

    The durable and elastic layer of 1 to 3 mm creates a reliable protection of the surface from freezing and UV radiation and minimizes heat loss. The cost of facade insulation is commensurate with the cost of painting, does not require professional skills and is therefore available to almost everyone. Teplomix Façade can be used as a finishing coat, it is also possible to coat the material with façade paint and other materials.

    TEPLOMIX Facade can be applied on concrete, bricks, plaster, plastic, glass, gypsum board, wood and other building materials in accordance with the instructions.

    Recommendations for determining the thickness of liquid TEPLOMIX Facade thermal insulation coatings


    Reduced energy consumption;
    Reduction of operating costs during the heating season by reducing heat losses;
    Reduced operating costs for indoor air conditioning by insulating the roof and walls of the building;
    Reducing direct costs in the construction of buildings and structures;
    The possibility of replacing cumbersome thermal insulation systems on façades, walls of buildings and structures;
    Thermal insulation of historically significant objects with preservation of architectural forms;
    Significantly reduced labour and time required for thermal insulation;
    Coating in hard-to-reach areas is possible
    Maintaining usable floor space
    Отражает до 85 % лучистой энергии;
    The material is environmentally friendly and non-toxic, containing no harmful volatile organic compounds;
    Protection against damp and mould, fungal growth
    Does not create shelter for insects and rodents.
    A long service life for the material.
    1mm of Teplomix replaces 50mm of mineral wool.

    Liquid thermal insulation TEPLOMIX Standard (liquid insulation, thermal paint, insulation, coating)


    Used for thermal insulation of internal surfaces of enclosing structures, residential and non-residential premises, roofs, balconies, loggias, preserving their usable area (especially effective when insulating loggias for combination with residential premises), concrete slabs, floors (possible application under warm floor), slopes inside premises, reflective screens for radiators; used as protection against mould and prevention of its appearance. Also used for thermal insulation of air ducts and other pipelines, not requiring anti-corrosion protection of the surface.

    Teplomix Standard can be used as a finishing coat, you can also cover the material with paint, tiles, wallpaper and other materials.

    TEPLOMIX Standard as per instructions can be applied on concrete, bricks, plaster, plastic, glass, plasterboard, wood and other building materials. The recommended application thickness is 1 to 2 mm.


    Reduction of operating costs during the heating season by reducing heat losses;
    Preservation of useful room space by reducing the thickness of the thermal insulation layer of the insulating material;
    Protection against mould and mildew;
    Preventing condensation
    The material is environmentally friendly and non-toxic, contains no harmful volatile organic compounds, and does not support combustion;
    Does not provide shelter for insects and rodents
    Can be applied by brush, trowel or airless spraying equipment. No cutting, gluing, special fixings or fixtures required;
    1mm of Teplomix replaces 50mm of mineral wool.

    Liquid thermal insulation TEPLOMIX Anticor (liquid insulation, thermal paint, insulation, coating)


    It is designed for thermal insulation of steam, water and heating pipelines, thermal insulation of gate valves, flanges, shut-off valves, thermal insulation of tanks, tanks, containers,
    industrial equipment (tanks, boilers, reactor lids etc.)

    It is used for thermal insulation of sea vessels, trailers, wagons; internal and external surfaces of truck and van bodies, tanks, containers for storage and transportation of chemicals. Highly effective for protection of metal structures against corrosion and freezing, insulation of metal doors and gates.

    Recommendations for determining the thickness of TEPLOMIX liquid thermal insulation coating for use on pipelines and equipment
    Important: When applying thermal insulation outdoors on horizontal surfaces it is recommended to apply Elasgreen waterproofing mastic on top of the material


    Reduction of the cost of saving thermal energy in pipelines, steam boilers, etc. due to the high thermal insulation properties and complete insulation of pipelines, valves, etc. even in the most inaccessible places; Application of a 1-4 mm layer of TEPLOMIX on hot water pipes according to the instructions ensures a 40-80% temperature reduction on the surface
    Possibility to apply thermal insulation directly on the hot surface with temperatures up to +90 °C without interrupting the operation of the equipment;
    The finished coating can be used at temperatures ranging from -60 °C to +200 °C Prevents temperature deformations of metal surfaces;
    Corrosion protection for metal surfaces.
    Protection against condensation on cold water pipes;
    The coating can easily be repaired and restored. It is possible to visually check the condition of the surface to be insulated.
    Apply with a brush, roller or airless spraying equipment.
    1mm of Teplomix replaces 50mm of mineral wool.


    Teplomix is highly adhesive and adheres well to metal, plaster, concrete, bricks, plastic, glass and wooden surfaces that are operated outdoors.

    The surface must be dry, cleaned of old coatings and dirt before application.

    Wooden surface should be impregnated with water based antiseptic compositions.

    Plastic surface should be sanded (gloss removed) to increase its adhesion to the material.

    It is recommended to apply a deep penetrating primer to the surface to be treated in advance. After that, allow the primer coat to dry for at least 2 hours at a temperature of (20±2)°C and humidity of (65±5)%. At lower temperatures and higher humidity the drying time must be extended.


    Insulation works can be carried out when the ambient temperature is at least +5°C and the temperature of the surface to be insulated is between +5°C and +90°C. (First coats on surfaces with temperatures above +60°C should be applied with material diluted with water at a ratio of 50% to 50%)
    Do not apply the coating in rain, fog, frost.

    Teplomix can be applied with a brush, trowel, roller or airless spraying equipment. One process layer is (0.5±0.2) mm to (1±0.2) mm depending on the dilution and application method.

    When applying multiple coats, the drying time between coats should be at least 24 hours at 20ºC. At higher temperatures (20-40)ºC, the intercoat drying time can be reduced to 10-15 hours. After the material has fully dried and polymerised, the resulting thermal insulation coating can be used at temperatures ranging from -40ºC to +200ºC.

    Contact Us

    4B Logoyskaya Str. Minsk district, Borovlyany 223053 Belarus
    17/4-610 Masherova Ave. Minsk 220029 Belarus

    Opening hours: weekdays from 9.00 to 17.00 without lunch. Holidays - by arrangement

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